Setting a Background Image

When creating a new floor plan, the first step is to set the background image.

To set the background image:

  1. Go to Configure > Sites. Add a new site or select a site and select Floor Plans tab.
  2. Select Draw Tools to display floor plan tools.
  3. Under Floor Image, click to upload an image.
  4. Navigate to the background image file.
    ExtremeCloud IQ Controller supports the following:
    • File formats: .jpg, .png. svg.


      .svg is not supported with Internet Explorer version 11.
    • Image resolution up to 2592x1456 pixels.
  5. Click Open.
    The background image is displayed.
  6. Click Save to save the floor plan.
    To remove the image: display the image on the map and click the Floor Image delete icon . Then, click OK.
Next, go to Setting Floor Plan Scale